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Find Out How to Deal with Speaking Anxiety in Online Classes

Find Out How to Deal with Speaking Anxiety in Online Classes

Written by

Melanie Jane


14 mins read

Do you feel queasy when called up to speak in your online class? You may be worried that you are alone, but this is common. With this in mind, we have gathered a set of tips to show you and others who struggle with the same how to deal with speaking anxiety in online classes.

We also have a team of experts who offer online learning support. Remember, you can always seek, take my online class service, and rest easy.

What is Speaking Anxiety?

Speaking anxiety or speech anxiety refers to the unnerving or incapacitating fear that grips some people when speaking to an audience. Simply put, it is the fear of public speaking, and the signs include:

  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Stuttering
  • Butterflies in stomach
  • Heart pounding/ rapid breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Shaky voice
  • Gastrointestinal comfort

Public speaking anxiety is a genuine fear for many people and has acted as a barrier to achieving their full potential and expressing themselves. As such, there is a demand for a solution to these issues.

What Makes Students Get Anxiety When Presenting in an Online Class?

Numerous factors lead to anxiety when speaking in an online class. These factors are as follows:

  • Fear of being judged by your peers. Leaners worry about how their classmates will perceive their presentation or answer and the reactions they will get on video.
  • Technical issues like poor internet connection and audio may lead to a poor learning experience.
  • Lacks of face-to-face interactions make students feel isolated and uncertain. Unlike physical presentations, one can't see the actual non-verbal cues from the audience.
  • Performance pressure makes learners tense as they want to deliver a high-quality talk.
  • The perceived lack of control of the environment, such as noise and home interruptions, leads to anxiety.
  • Comparing yourself to people with more skills or experience
  • Trauma may lead to disordered behavior and general anxiety, no matter the source. For example, a person who has experienced head trauma may have trouble speaking and subsequently become anxious when they face a crowd.

These are some of the factors that make students have anxiety in online classes. But don't worry. Some tips can help you overcome, as illustrated below. Also, you can enlighten yourself on essential skills online students need to improve your performance in class.

Which Resources Can Help with Speaking Anxiety in an Online Class?

  • Virtual platforms with practice rooms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. These tools allow you to practice in a smaller group before you can address the entire class.
  • Mindfulness and relaxation apps like Headspace offer guided meditation and exercises to help calm nerves and reduce anxiety.
  • Presentation practice tools allow you to rehearse in a simulated environment.
  • Public speaking courses and communities that enhance your communication and learning in a virtual environment. For example, we offer a guide on how to be a successful online learner.
  • Voice recording apps can assist you in recording and playing your voice for assessments and improvement.
  • Experts in the online learning sector from our site, Homework Market. Our tutors are professionals in this sector and have a lot of skills to boost your performance. Consider checking this article on how to overcome challenges in online learning.

 Tips to Overcome Speaking Anxiety in Online Classes

Virtual classes entail that you and your peers are distant and have limited modes of communication. Therefore, your teacher will expect you to communicate in class to check if you follow. It is, therefore, essential to overcome your fear and follow tips on how to deal with speaking anxiety in online classes:

1. Practice speaking

The principle of 'practice makes perfect' applies to a wide range of activities, public speaking included. Doing so, especially in front of a mirror or on camera, allows you to act as if you are indeed giving a speech. Once you find a suitable topic, you may present your speech to your friends and family and listen to their feedback. For example, they may inform you that your voice is experiencing occasional cracks or have shuffling motions.

Also, present your talk loudly several times before facing the audience. Practice alone and with friends to gain valuable insights to boost your comfort level. You can have a side note, especially for some specific text. However, be cautious with slides with excess content, as they will cause distraction.

2. Prepare

It is essential to stay organized and write up a draft of what to say. For example, your instructor may require you to introduce yourself to the class so you can write a short speech sample appropriate for the occasion. You must also focus on the necessary tools, such as a microphone and internet connectivity.

3. Focus on a core message

Every presentation has a core message. Whether it is a speech to introduce yourself to the class or demonstrate your knowledge of a particular concept, it is essential to have a core message that you can construct your speech around to avoid instances of stuttering and getting confused.

4. Develop a structure

Once you know how much time, on average, will be allotted to you, it is important to divide your speech into parts that help you speak coherently. For example, you will need a short introductory paragraph to explain the purpose of your speech and more to explain the content.

5. Check your pacing

A speech depends on your voice, and experts advise you to talk at a conversational pace. Speaking faster may cause your listeners to miss out on specific points while talking too slowly will lead to boredom in your listeners.

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Find Out How to Deal with Speaking Anxiety in Online Classes

6. Use active voice at intervals

Active voice pertains to a sentence in which the subject acts on a particular target, while passive voice focuses on the target that receives the action. Using active voice at certain intervals can inspire your audience to take a specific path, while passive voice helps reduce redundancy since you won't repeat yourself. This is one of the lesser-known tips for how to deal with speaking anxiety in online classes. This hack is very effective for a good speech that will attract listeners.

7. Know your audience

One of the most essential parts of a speech is appealing to one's audience. If your listeners are technical specialists, it is important to be informative. If preparing a speech for an event, your speech should be entertaining. Therefore, you should learn the purpose of the speech, who you can expect to show up, and why.

8. Positive thinking

Everyone makes mistakes. Even better, most people are nervous about speaking in public; hence, they are likely sympathetic to others. Thus, people will not judge you harshly and will listen to your talk. As such, do not overthink making errors, but perfect your presentation.

9. Dress properly

One mistake students make concerning online learning is poor grooming. Many even admit to not showering or changing from their pajamas. However, your appearance affects your confidence, so you should groom yourself. Wearing something comfortable also helps you present before others with ease.

10. Take deep breaths

Your speech may contribute to your final score, so understandably, you would still feel nervous. If you feel your heart pounding, consider taking deep breaths to regulate your heart rate. This technique works when you are not nervous, but your body responds like this, allowing you to help your body catch up to your mind.

11. Acknowledge your progress

In every journey you undertake, you will find that you will not end up at the same point you started. For example, you may find that you are no longer saying “umm” and have more coherent speech the more you practice. This is worthy of celebration since it shows you are improving your speaking skills. 

12. Relax

Aside from taking deep breaths, there are many techniques you could use to enhance your confidence. These include relaxing your muscles or meditation to improve your speaking abilities. Exercising your body also releases pent-up stress and reduces your anxiety in general.

13. Use anti-anxiety medication

Medication exists to help you calm down in case breathing exercises and relaxation do not work. These can be sourced from a pharmacist and have mild effects to help you breeze through your presentation.

14. Focus on friendly people in the crowd

It is impossible not to look up when speaking publicly, as it will make you look somewhat nervous. So, it's best to glance at the audience. Let's say your instructor requires you to present on a particular topic. While some will seem disinterested, look for a friendly face in the crowd, such as those who nod in agreement with your point.

15. Seek support from our tutors

Tutors will play a crucial role in helping you overcome your anxiety through the following:

  • Establish a trusting relationship that makes you feel secure. This professional relationship will help them understand your issue and address it accordingly.
  • Offer constructive feedback by highlighting strengths and the areas that require improvements. The tutors will encourage self-reflection for you to improve on your weaknesses.
  • Provide a customized preparation technique that fits your learning style and needs.
  • Offering additional resources that will sharpen your public speaking skills and reduce anxiety.
  • Create a supportive learning community where you can share your experiences with others.

How Can Students Use Technology to Practice and Improve their Speaking Skills?

  • Online language exchange platforms like Tandem and Hello Talk help you improve your speaking proficiency.
  • Social media and online communities like Facebook and Reddit offer a forum to participate in discussions and practice speaking skills.
  • Podcasts and audiobooks can help you enhance your speaking skills for your online class presentation.
  • Video recording tools such as Flipgrid can record short video responses. This app will help you practice public speaking skills.

Situations in Online Class That May Call For Speaking

Your instructor may require you to speak up in the following scenarios:

  1. Introducing yourself to the class when joining for the first time
  2. When presenting to explain a concept or showcasing a project
  3. During language practices that involve speaking and pronunciation exercises
  4. Q&A sessions when learners are seeking clarifications from their instructors
  5. Role-playing and debate sessions, for example, simulations that require you to think critically and communicate well
  6. Networking events that are organized by class or an institution. Students should introduce themselves and connect to their peers.
  7. When participating in oral exams, which are part of language assessments or communication courses, you can check our mass media assignment help to get some tips on this.

Please note that all these situations can cause anxiety, no matter how brief they may be. So, it is important to focus on how to deal with speaking anxiety in online classes. Let us guide you on how you can make online learning sessions more productive and overcome your fears.

Can a Student Get Professional Help For Anxiety?

Yes, students can seek professional help to handle their anxiety. These experts will address your health issues, self-esteem, and other factors that affect your speaking ability. Some of the alternatives you may contemplate include:

  • Therapists who can assist in exploring and addressing issues causing anxiety. You can find counselors in education or health centers.
  • Psychologists/ psychiatrists who specialize in the assessment and treatment of mental issues that can cause anxiety. These two professionals can work hand in hand to create better interventions.
  • Support groups of students suffering from the same issue in person or online. Such a community gives a sense of belonging and boosts your self-assurance.
  • Online tutors from our site. They are experienced in the online learning sector and have handled issues of anxiety before. Talk to our experts for customized and affordable support. Additionally, we assist you in choosing the best online course that fits your skills and needs. Besides, we have credible cheap homework tutors who can give you solutions on how to pass your online courses. There are more facts here on the causes and treatment of speaking anxiety; take a look.

Frequently Asked Questions       

1. How does anxiety affect speech?

Anxiety can result in poor analytical and coordination abilities. All this can alter your breathing and lead to stuttering and poor speech. 

2. Should I turn on a video recording when presenting to my online class?

It depends if you have been instructed to use it. But if you have a faulty camera or another technical issue, ensure you explain beforehand. Technical problems are some of the excuses for missing online classes students give. So, it’s best to handle your issues and avoid absentia.

3. Can online learning increase anxiety?

Yes. Due to social isolation and lack of communication with your peers, you may feel depressed and anxious. This research gives insights into how virtual learning causes students anxiety.

4. Can drinking water help with my anxiety?

Yes! You may be facing stress due to dehydration, so it is advisable to hydrate and rest briefly to slow down your heart rate before getting on the floor. 

5. Will better speech improve my academics?

Yes! You can clearly explain your points to an individual or group, thus helping you handle oral and written exams. Speaking skills can also help you land opportunities with firms or programs that need confident and clear speakers. However, it is important to focus from day one, and our article on tips for introducing yourself in an online class can help you achieve a good first impression.


In short, speaking anxiety refers to the irrational fear of public speaking. Those affected often exhibit signs like shaking, sweating, stuttering, heart palpitations, and dry mouth. Contrary to popular belief, many people suffer from this; hence, there are speech pathologists who offer help on how to communicate better. But before that, you can try to implement our tips that offer insight into how to deal with speaking anxiety in online classes. These include relaxing, exercising before, preparing a speech, taking deep breaths, positive thinking, and many more.

However, having the confidence to speak before your online class is one thing, but presenting quality content that will help your grades is another thing. Thanks to this, students still seek the help of online writers to achieve better grades. If you need our support, place an order for our top-notch homework help services.

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