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Expert Guide On How to Write "Walmart the High Cost of Low Price" Essay

Expert Guide On How to Write "Walmart the High Cost of Low Price" Essay
Written by Shawn Teo


16 mins read

"Walmart high cost of low price" is a film that depicts the "cheap is expensive" slogan in its research on Walmart company. Greenwald released this video in 2005, aiming to portray the negative business practices carried out by Walmart. The film's theme is how Walmart exploits all its resources, including human personnel, to save and earn huge profits.

When asked to write an essay on Walmart the high cost of low price, it can be critical or argumentative. You will argue the director's claims on the Walmart stores and their response. Therefore, your essay can be an argumentative one with two sides of the story or a critical one. Remember you need a movie review writing service to analyze the content and write the essay. So, feel free to seek our review services to deliver an impeccable essay.

What’s an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is a type of report that requires you to study a specific topic, gather and evaluate evidence, and then state your stand on the subject. Like other types of papers, this essay should have three sections: introduction, body, and conclusion. All the sections require you to follow a unique format that portrays the argument.

Additionally, you should research the topic to understand it better and present tangible evidence. Therefore, read through this article and take note of the essential parts of this essay. But remember, you can always seek assistance in creating this essay.

What’s A Critical Essay?

critical essay is a paper that interprets and evaluates another document, like an article, book, or even a documentary. This essay has a specific type of audience. The author explores the strong and weak sides of a given topic or subject. While writing this essay, it's not necessarily criticizing the document; you can support and praise its content.

This report retains the typical features of other essays, including the introduction, body, and conclusion. You can have several paragraphs in the body depending on your number of ideas. As you write a critical essay, read the text well and start analyzing.

Definition of High Cost of Low Price Statement

According to Greenwald, the film director, Walmart offers low-priced products at the rest of the population's cost, like the workers, small businesses, and more. We may have experienced this scenario in many ways: "Cheap is expensive," which is the same as the video title.

Price and cost are different factors one should consider when buying a product. For instance, when purchasing a product, it's not appropriate to choose based on price. Instead, other factors should come into play, like its quality. As a result, you will often find cheap products with low value while expensive ones with high quality.

Therefore, buying a cheaper product with less value costs more since you be forced to replace it later. However, an expensive, high-quality product will cost you less since the product will serve you longer than a cheap one.

 So, the film director proves that cheap is expensive, with evidence of how Walmart's business practices cost the community at the expense of low-priced products. Your essay should outline his opinions, highlight the disputes, and create your essay summary.

What Challenges Do Students Face in Writing Walmart The High Cost Of Low Price?

Learners experience the following issues when handling this essay:

  • The subject becomes complex when analyzing the scenarios presented. A student should be familiar with economic systems, labor, and environmental policies to understand the document.
  • Writing such an essay requires in-depth research. Some learners struggle to analyze the film and draft the essay.
  • It's challenging to structure the essay logically. Students find it tricky to determine the most important concepts.
  • Misinterpretations of the author's main message lead to low essay quality.

Which Resources Can You Use to Write a Walmart Film Essay?

You can use the following tools when researching about the film:

  • The documentary is the primary source of information
  • The director's commentary gives insights into the goals and intentions of the film.
  • Critical reviews from critics and scholars
  • Academic articles that discuss the economics, social, and ethical aspects of Walmart stores
  • News articles, reports, and case studies on the documentary

Where Can You Find Affordable Writing and Review Services?

Have you researched for Walmart film and can't process the content? Are you wondering how to put the information into context? Rest assured that all-encompassing solutions await you under one roof. At Homework Market, we offer the best writing and film review writing services. Consult our experts today for an amazing experience.

What’s the Outline of “Walmart the High Cost of Low Price" Essay

This type of essay should have three sections as follows;

Argumentative essay introduction

In this part, you should explain some background information about the movie. Let the readers know what's the movie's content and its director. Then, again, elaborate on the Walmart Company for the reader to understand the film's setting. With this technique, the reader will understand where the theme originates.

Finally, ensure you indicate your thesis on the topic. Your thesis should show your stand on Robert's documentary. The thesis statement should be almost at the end of your introduction. Use words that emphasize like, ought, must, and more.

"For example, some of the claims raised by Greenwald may be truthful, and the company should look into the allegations and rectify where there are issues. Even if they can't confess to the public, let them own up even as they respond to clear their name."

Argumentative essay body

Remember, there are two ways in which you can present this essay, either as an argumentative or a critical essay. Let's start by explaining how to write this essay as argumentative.

 This section should follow a particular format depending on the kind of topic you have. In our essay example, it’s best to use the classical method. This style is more straightforward as you present your argument; explain the opposition's argument and present evidence.

The Walmart film has two sides of the story: the director's opinion and Walmart's responses to the claims. First, you should present the director's argument and the company's response to a particular claim. Then, later, give evidence on the claim.

We will break down all the claims for you, present the responses, and use our evidence as a guideline on how you should write this essay.

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Expert Guide On How to Write

Claims presented by Robert Greenwald on Walmart Company

1. Impact on Small Business

The documentary emphasizes the expansion of Walmart into the local communities. The low-priced strategy has negatively impacted other businesses within the Walmart vicinity. Walmart offers a vast scale and resources at lower reasonable prices, drawing all the customers away from the small business. This led to the closure of small businesses because they struggled to compete with Walmart.

2. Employee Issues

The documentary describes the issues like wages, working conditions, and job satisfaction. Workers receive lower wages that impact their ability to meet living expenses. There were testimonials that employees received low wages and insufficient benefits. Also, these workers worked for long hours with minimal pay and few growth opportunities. The poor pay forced employees to rely on Medicaid.

Walmart also has poor working conditions. The employees work with few breaks and in unsafe conditions. For example, some employees reported working under pressure, even with injuries. Several federal lawsuits were filed against the cooperate managers for pressuring their juniors to work without breaks. Sometimes, they are even denied lunchtime breaks.

Additionally, there are instances of insecurity in the parking area. The firm also prevents employees from unionizing. This situation makes it difficult for them to air their grievances and bargain for better working terms.

3. Environmental Concerns

Walmart has large stores; thus, they generate a lot of waste. There are claims that waste production and disposal are high with less protection measures on disposal. The company also relies on trucks for transport, contributing to air pollution. Additionally, Walmart has been criticized for sourcing products from countries with lax environmental policies. This leads to environmental impacts where the products are sold.

From the claims listed above, you should expound on them deeply, as per the documentary, and where possible, support them with evidence from the documentary. Later, give your opinion and conclude on each separately.

Walmart Responses

To discuss the other side of the argument, you should explore Walmart's responses against each of the above claims. Match their response with facts for the reader's understanding. For instance, if Walmart pays their workers a certain amount per hour, determine whether that's the current rate in the USA. This approach will help you argue your points well. Always back up your points with evidence for the readers to trust your work.

According to the company, this video attacked its associates and their community. The video was propaganda to them, and Mr. Robert wasn't fair and accurate with his claims. The company retorted as follows;

Walmart has offered jobs to 1.2 million Americans, such as African -Americans, Hispanic Americans, Senior citizens, and women. Again, they participate in charitable events in the community. The text was their reply on not employing American citizens. As per their response, the employment claim on the video was wrong.

On Walmart crushing other businesses –the H &H hardware that Robert said was crushed thrived even after Walmart opened a new store in the area. The second owner opened a renovated store, Middlefield Hardware, and another, an ACE franchise, on October 20, 2005.

Walmart pays workers low wages in Chicago –the company's average hourly rate for Chicago is $ 10.69, even higher than the established value of a living wage of $ 9.68 in Chicago.

These are some of the company's responses to the claims raised by Greenwald.

In your discussion, you can state that the company provides some facts against three claims in the essay, proving that they aren't as bad as the documentary. Again, the company is raising employee wages in the current market, especially after the covid 19 hit. Though Walmart's pay is relatively lower than other retailers, it's still within the range.

The current minimum wage of this largest retailer in the US is $12, and the average hourly wage is $ 16.40. Many retailers have raised wages to attract and retain workers in the competitive job market.

Again, the issue of crashing the H&H hardware in Middletown, Ohio, is correct, per the Greenwald documentary. When Walmart opened its stores some miles away from the hardware, the 1st owner closed the shop and sold it. The hardware was reopened in October by a different person, so it's evident the first owner faced competition from Walmart stores and decided to close. However, closing down the H&H hardware sounds like an assumption because the business may have encountered other challenges.

That's how you should present your points in an argumentative essay on "Walmart the High Cost of Low Price." You should follow a certain format to explain the points in your body. These sections make up the four components of an argument essay.

  • Present the claims of the documentary's director
  • Counterclaims – that is, responses given by Walmart
  • Reasoning – explain what you think is right according to the issues raised.
  • Present evidence – for example, if it's about the pay rate, give evidence they have raised or are paying low. Here, you can use statistical data or quote the experts who support your reasoning.

Conclusion of the Argumentative Essay

In conclusion, state the importance of this discussion in a broader context. What is the significance of the issue of "high cost and low price" important in our society? Address the opposing viewpoints that were addressed in the essay and reaffirm your position. Again, you can emphasize to the reader why you addressed the issues.

That's how you should write an argumentative essay on this film; if you get stranded while writing, don't hesitate to seek our graduate essay writing service.

“Walmart the High Cost of Low Price” Critical Essay

When writing a critical essay on this documentary, you should inform and evaluate the video's worth, truth, and beauty. First, notify the reader of the film; don't assume they have watched it. Give background information about its director and Walmart's business.

Remember you can give your opinions on the film but should have supportive evidence. Your essay outline should be as follows;

Critical essay introduction

Introduce the author of the video and its title.

State the author's main point in the film

Give your evaluation of the video, which will be your thesis.

Add any information that might help the reader understand the essay

Critical essay body

In like two paragraphs, make a summary of the video's content. In the second part, start interpreting and evaluating the documentary. You should consider its strengths and weaknesses in the following ways;

  • Accuracy of the information
  • Are there any assumptions or controversies?
  • Is the author's language clear?
  • Is the author biased? Does he present both sides of the issue without bias?
  • Are there gaps in his arguments?
  • What are the author's fallacies? (too emotional language, very simple, generalization, etc.)

Then, it's time to interpret the documentary. Don't judge anymore; give your opinion on the video.

  • On what issues do you agree with the author?
  • What points does he get right or wrong?
  • Would you recommend this video as a credible research source?

So, this interpretation is your essay's thesis. Ensure you support the opinion in your thesis.

Critical essay conclusion

Summarize the main points of analysis and the interpretations you presented in the essay. Remember to state why the video is popular. Also, highlight the significance of the themes or elements described in the essay and offer final reflections on the matter.

Following the above outline will give you a great critical essay on Greenwald's documentary. Be sure to focus on the key issues in Walmart: The high cost of low price. If it gets tricky for you, borrow a few tips from our article on how to write a movie review. We offer a clear and factual review; for instance, check Tusk the Movie article.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Problems is Walmart Facing from the film?

  • Impact on the local communities
  • Poor working environmental conditions 
  • Import and globalization issues
  • Claims on predatory pricing and supplier issues

2. Who was the director of the Walmart Documentary?

Robert Greenwald is the filmmaker of this documentary and is known for socially conscious films.

3. Where Can You Watch the Documentary?

You can access this film on streaming platforms or documentary sites. Check out Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, YouTube movies, and iTunes.

4. What is the Main Message of the Film?

The director of this movie wants the viewers to understand Walmart’s impacts on communities and workers.

5. Are the Issues Raised in the Film Relevant Today?

Yes, the claims raised against Walmart are relevant in today’s society. Issues such as labor policies, work environments, and impacts on communities are evident in today’s society. However, the systems in the film are different, unlike today’s world.

6. Can You Write a Walmart Film Synopsis?

We can write a Walmart synopsis with the main plot, themes, and key elements. We will also include the setting, main characters, and tones. Trust our services for excellent film analysis. You can also acquire more insights on how to write a film synopsis here.

Final Thoughts

"Walmart high-cost low price" essay has two approaches: write an argumentative or a critical essay. We have given you the details and examples of how to break down the essay into an introduction, body, and conclusion. 

Ensure you follow the format outlined above and present your ideas. Remember to understand the facts and details of the video. Therefore, thoroughly research the evidence and claims raised in the film. The assessors will evaluate whether you can keenly follow the essay's format and present your content to the reader. With all that said and done, don't forget to hire our essay writers to assist you with the "Walmart high cost of low price" essay.

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