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Spice Your Essay With These Conclusion Paragraph Starters

Spice Your Essay With These Conclusion Paragraph Starters

Written by

Melanie Jane


13 mins read

Need ideas for the best conclusion paragraph starters for college essays? Look no further than this comprehensive list which shows students like yourself various ideas to help kickstart and improve their conclusion paragraph, so please keep reading for a detailed look into this topic.

What Is A Conclusion?

A conclusion refers to the last part of an essay. A good essay conclusion should contain the following:

  • repeat the thesis 
  • your core message, which contains general conclusions
  • raise related queries for future research

It usually contains 10% of the total word count and is important as it provides closure to the reader and offers a view of the bigger picture at play. Some students do not take this seriously, which is sad since it forms the final perception a reader will take away from your essay.

As such, it is important to start off well, and what better way to do so than to peruse our list of the best conclusion paragraph starters for college essays? Please note that if you need assistance, consider placing your order today with our expert essay writers. You may also benefit from our other articles, such as how to end a college essay.

100 Best Conclusion Paragraph Starters For College Essays

Many students usually wonder, “how do you start a conclusion for a college essay?” and have trouble forming good concluding sentences for essays. All they have to do is utilize any of the best conclusion paragraph starters for college essays as outlined below:

  1. In a nutshell
  2. In short
  3. To sum it up
  4. In closing
  5. In summary
  6. To cut a long story short
  7. Based on this discussion
  8. In conclusion
  9. This study concluded
  10. In the end
  11. At the end of the day
  12. After all is said and done
  13. Looking back
  14. In my opinion
  15. Finally
  16. I conclude that
  17. Surely
  18. Now you see why
  19. For the most part
  20. In effect
  21. So, I have come to the conclusion that
  22. To wrap it up
  23. All facts considered
  24. As a final point
  25. Without a doubt
  26. I believe I have shown that
  27. Lastly
  28. I recommend that
  29. To finish off
  30. All in all
  31. As evidence shows
  32. As already demonstrated
  33. As previously explained
  34. The facts presented support the point that
  35. There is no doubt that
  36. To briefly review the points mentioned 
  37. On the whole
  38. My summary is that
  39. My conclusions are
  40. My final thoughts are that
  41. I look forward to
  42. The data proves that
  43. The research done proves that
  44. As such, the conclusion reached is that
  45. The data collected indicates that
  46. As this study proves
  47. The verdict is that
  48. It is my belief that
  49. The revelations made by the study are
  50. As per the data collected, it can be proven that
  51. What this study reveals is that
  52. Based on the data, we can conclude that
  53. In the final analysis
  54. As stated in the introduction
  55. There is nothing else to conclude but
  56. All factors considered
  57. The logical conclusion is
  58. With all this in mind
  59. As a result
  60. The broad conclusion
  61. Surprisingly, the data revealed that
  62. Upon reviewing these results, it can be stated that
  63. To make a long story short
  64. Finally, I would like to say that
  65. It is worth re-examining
  66. As observed
  67. While further research is desirable
  68. As stated above
  69. Given these points
  70. Above all
  71. I think I have proven that
  72. In effect
  73. To wrap it all up
  74. Last but not least
  75. At this juncture
  76. The time has come to
  77. For these reasons
  78. For the most part
  79. I think we can now agree that
  80. As already explained
  81. As this paper demonstrates
  82. Through this research, we have learned that
  83. I can conclude that
  84. In hindsight
  85. Thus
  86. Clearly
  87. In light of this information
  88. Overall
  89. Ultimately
  90. Upon assessing the matter from multiple perspectives
  91. What we now know is that 
  92. What the research indicates is that
  93. While further research is necessary
  94. Based on these results, it seems
  95. To put it simply
  96. To wrap this up
  97. As I see it
  98. Within this context, it seems that
  99. The major takeaway from this study is that
  100. The results of this study prove that 

4 Tips For The Best Conclusion Paragraph

Forming a good conclusion is integral to your essay. However, many students lack tips to make this happen and end up with mediocre summaries. As such, in addition to using the best conclusion paragraph starters for college essays, students should also:

  • Avoid introducing ideas other than the ones mentioned previously. The conclusion is merely meant to wrap up the entire essay, and all your points should have been well explained by now, so avoid bringing forward any new points.
  • Avoid rehashing everything but focus on the major points made and state the insight you acquired. Depending on the length, you may cover several points, and repeating them would make this paragraph redundant.
  • Try to make it memorable by restating your main discovery and relating it to another context suitable for future research. Often time, there is a major point discovered during research that can relate to other interesting concepts.
  • Provide a call to action where you ask your reader to do something specific. For example, for an essay about climate change, you may ask them to observe their wasteful habits that lead to wastage and pollution.

If this sounds like something you would like to implement in your essays but has no idea where to start, place your order for essay writing help and get started with the best online. Our related guides can also help enhance your knowledge, such as our captivating college essay prompts.

4 College Essay Conclusion Paragraph Examples

Let’s say you are finishing up an essay and would like a concrete example of concluding sentences for essays. Your conclusion could look something like these conclusion paragraph examples as per the different essay genres:

1. Persuasive Essay Conclusion Example

“All in all, climate change is a very important topic and there is a lot of observable and recorded phenomena proving that it affects millions worldwide. Due to deforestation and pollution caused by industrialization in addition to population growth, there has been an increase in flooding, drought, and more. Many experts have suggested measures such as recycling and tree planting, but our research revealed that consumption patterns make these solutions ineffective. As such, more governments and NGOs across the globe are introducing more effective measures such as plating drought-resistant crops and restricting poor quality products like fast fashion that lead to pollution. If this is implemented, more people can learn to buy quality and use the items for longer instead of purchasing several poor-quality products. Not only will this reduce the release of industrial waste, but it will also cause a decline in the amount of landfill waste. However, consumers have to decide on what they are willing to sacrifice to ease climate change and for a better future.”

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Spice Your Essay With These Conclusion Paragraph Starters

2. Narrative Essay Conclusion Example

“To sum it up, Mia never did show up. I waited for several hours, but she seemed to have disappeared. Disappointed, I went back home, wondering what happened to my friend. Fast forward to school re-opening and I was waiting to ask my friend why she abandoned me. However, she did not come to school either. It was at this point that I realized that she was probably never coming back and gave up. Loneliness set in, and I soon made new friends, but the memories of our friendship occasionally pop up and I wonder if I’ll ever meet her again. While it seems impossible, I am keeping hope alive, and hope that you do read this Mia.”

3. Descriptive Essay Conclusion Example

“In light of this information, it is no wonder that I value my kitchen appliances so much. Food was a psychological comfort of mine growing up, and making up dishes was almost therapeutic. As mentioned before, every culinary professional can attest that the quality of appliances is important to the final result. For this reason, I have a variety of good quality products that help me achieve tasty and professional level results every time. As such, I hold these items in high regard, since they have brought me joy in my life.”

4. Expository Essay Conclusion Example

“In summary, the computer started off experimentally, and many did not think it would become as accessible and affordable as it is now. Not only has the computer revolutionized phones and communication, it has also changed business and led to massive growth across many industries. As such, global trade has increased and wealth has been distributed to many across the globe. Subsequently, many industries that specialize in computer parts have come up thus making the devices accessible to more at lower prices. Csomputers are also expected to keep improving, and this may lead to transhumanism. However, research is still being done, so the future of computers is still in question.”

What To Know About Our Essay Writing Services

Writing a good essay can be hard. It is, therefore no wonder that many students write subpar essays because they may be:

  • Poor at conducting effective research
  • Suffer fatigue
  • Don’t have a computer
  • Lack academic guidance

Due to these reasons, there exists a market for essay writing help that offers assistance at a price. Just like in any other industry, there are good providers and scammers. Students often complain about high prices and poor results.

As a result, students hire services like ours which aside from offering guides like best conclusion paragraph starters for college essays deliver the following:

  • Quality to ensure passing grades
  • Low prices determined by a bidding system
  • Free revisions 
  • Expertise in diverse fields e. g help with various majors and educational articles such as how to write an informative essay

It is therefore no surprise that we attract and maintain diverse clientele, all of who have expressed happiness in our work and even referred others. You could join them too, by simply clicking the link and contacting us for specialized essay help.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I restate my thesis?

Do not repeat it, but paraphrase to avoid lazy writing.

2. What is the proper conclusion paragraph structure?

A conclusion paragraph structure contains a thesis restatement, a summary of points, and their significance. 

3. Other than the best conclusion paragraph starters for college essays, what other tips can improve my conclusion?

Be sure to avoid long conclusions, references, and introductions of new material.

4. Is 100 words enough for a conclusion?

Yes, depending on the word count, since the conclusion should be around 10% of the total.

Final Thought

In closing, a conclusion refers to the final part of an essay that restates the thesis and any information resulting from the research. Usually, it is 10% of the word count and should offer the reader food for thought as well as present opportunities for future research. But just like the rest of the essay, most students have trouble coming up with a good starting point and completing the paragraph. 

As such, our list of the best conclusion paragraph starters for college essays can come in handy, as well as our essay writing services. All students have to do is place an order on the site and select from the many writers who will bid. Not only do we guarantee low prices, but we also offer free revisions and, in some cases, refunds. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and place your order with us today for the best essay writing service online.

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