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Learn How to Write an Essay Cover Page and Get Help if Stuck

Learn How to Write an Essay Cover Page and Get Help if Stuck
Written by Melanie Jane


18 mins read

Do you want to take your cover page writing skills a notch higher? Then, we have great news for you. This article is dedicated to you.

 After thoroughly analyzing Google and other search engines, we have noticed that plenty of students need help creating a good cover page. Our academic experts have thus decided to draft this guide for you. Keep in mind that having an amazing cover page says a lot about you. It tells the instructor you know what you are doing, making your instructor form a good impression of you from the start of the essay. Below we will provide you with easy-to-follow tips for writing a cover page for a paper in the following writing styles: MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard.

If time is against you or you are facing a challenge when writing the cover page or even the entire essay, turn to us. Simply place an order with us, and we will write any essay section or the whole essay for you.

What Is A Cover Page?

A cover page is the first page of a professional essay. It is also referred to as a title page and primarily encompasses the following details:

  • Name of the author
  • Affiliated Institution
  • Date of publication
  • Running head (it is more common in certain formatting styles than others)

The key objective of the title page is to provide a professional outlook of the essay and help the reader understand the author. A cover page is not compulsory in every essay or paper. Several factors are considered, such as essay instructions, formatting style, type of essay, audience, etc.

Another thing to note is that the title page for the essay differs from one formatting style to another. For example, the cover page for an APA formatted essay is completely different from that of an MLA formatted essay or even a Chicago or Harvard formatted essay. In short, all styles have their own distinct cover page, as you will see below.

Now that you know what a cover page is, go through this guide: how to format an essay to understand other crucial parts of an essay.

Essential Guidelines on How to Write a Cover Page

Several types of cover pages exist, mainly depending on the formatting style. This section will thus show you how to write an essay cover page for each of the following formatting styles:

  • APA
  • MLA
  • Chicago
  • Harvard

APA Essay Cover Page Format

In most instances, you will be needed to put a cover page for a paper formatted in APA. APA cover pages involve much work and have several versions. The most popular versions are APA 6 and APA 7. The title page for these two versions is similar in all aspects apart from the running head. The APA 6 cover page has a running head, while APA 7 does not.

How Should You Write The Details On The APA Cover Page?

  • Running head: You should only put a running head in APA 6. Write the name itself with a colon, like this “Running Head:” Then write the title of your paper with all letters in capital letters. Align the running head to the left; the right side is for the page number. The title in the running head should not exceed 50 characters.
  • Page number: Place the page number on the right side of the header section on the same line as the running head. The page number is always “1” for the cover page.
  • Title of essay/paper: Insert the title of your paper three lines below from the top of the page if your paper is double-spaced. The title should be bolded and centered (The running head and the page numbers are the only details not centered on the APA formatted cover page).
  • Author’s Name: After the title, skip one double-spaced line and insert your name. List all authors on one line, if possible, in case the authors are many.
  • Affiliated Institution: Indicate the department of your institution and the institution’s name below the name of the author. If you are a student, the institution is your school.
  • Course code and name: On the next line, mention your course code and its name.
  • Lecturer: Input the name of your instructor on the other line. Write their full names and their honorific titles, such as Prof., Dr., etc.
  • Date: The last line should be the date. Write down the month using letters instead of numerals to enhance clarity when reading the date.

Below are the essay cover page templates for the two APA versions, which you can use to enhance your understanding.


APA 6 essay cover page template:

Running Head: TITLE OF THE ESSAY/PAPER                                                                        1




Author(s) Name

Affiliated Institution

Course code and name





APA 7 essay cover page template:





Author(s) Name

Affiliated Institution

Course code and name





APA essay cover page example:

Below is an example of an APA 6 cover sheet for an essay. Just remove the running head to have an APA 7 cover page (we discussed this above).


Running Head: DEMO ON WRITING AN ESSAY COVER PAGE                                            1


Demo on How to Write an Essay Cover Page


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Learn How to Write an Essay Cover Page and Get Help if Stuck

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Aug 20, 2023


Preview this guide on how to write an essay in MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago (Turabian), and IEEE to gain more information on these formatting styles.

MLA Essay Cover Page Format

An MLA formatted essay will often not require a cover page. An MLA cover page is usually needed when writing a research paper when a group of people has authored the essay, and definitely, when the instructions demand you to put one.

So, how do you provide the author's details in an MLA formatted paper if it's not a must for you to put a cover page? You use an “opening.” The following section will thus show you how to structure an opening for MLA essays and then the two common layouts used in MLA cover page formatting.

MLA Opening

What is the MLA opening?  It is the first section of an MLA formatted essay that shows the author's details, which serves the same purpose as the cover page. The opening contains the following details:

  • Surname and Page number
  • Author name
  • Instructor name
  • Class Code
  • The Due Date

All these details of the opening should be above the title. In addition, they should be aligned to the left, apart from the surname and page number. These two latter details are placed in the header and right-aligned. An example of an MLA opening with all the details mentioned above can be seen below.


MLA opening template:

[Author’s Surname] 1

[Author Name]

[Instructor’s Name]

[Class code]

[The Due Date]

[Title of the Essay]

[The introduction paragraph of your essay….]


In MLA format, you can write one of the professor's names but do not shorten the month when writing the date. For instance, don’t write “Aug.” Instead, write in full: “August.”

Layout One for an MLA Essay Cover Page

Two layouts exist for an MLA essay cover page. This section will look at one layout. In this layout, the cover page includes the exact details as the “MLA opening” section, though they are organized differently. You can see the details below in the provided template.


Layout One for an MLA Essay Cover Page template:

[Author’s name]

[Second Author name, if there is another author]

[Instructor’s name]

[Class code]

[The Due Date]


[Title of the paper]


Keep in mind that you can add several authors. However, each author’s name should be on its own line, and all of them should appear before the instructor’s name. Also, spell out the full month when writing the date. Another thing to note is that the paper's title should be 4 lines below the date if you use a double-spaced structure.

Another thing to remember is that we offer college essay writing service.

Layout Two for an MLA Essay Cover Page

This section will look at the second layout for an MLA cover sheet for an essay. This layout is mostly used in research papers. You will include the details below for this kind of cover page:

  • Institution name: Should be placed on the top of the page.
  • Title of paper: Place it around 5 lines below the institution name when using double-spaced.
  • The subtitle of the paper: Place this below the title if there is any.
  • Author’s name: The author's name should be around 5 lines below the title in a double-spaced structure.
  • Course number and name: The course details should be below the author’s name.
  • Instructor’s name: Place it directly below the course number.
  • Due date: Put the date on the following line after the instructor's name.

Below is a layout of this kind of cover page. You will see how the above details are arranged and how words are capitalized.

Layout two for an MLA essay cover page template:



[Essay Title]

[Essay subtitle]


 [Author’s Name]

[Course Number and Name]

[Instructor’s Name]

[Paper Due Date]


Pro Tip: Keep in mind that the first letters for each word in an MLA cover page should be capitalized, apart from words that are prepositions or very short ones, such as an, or, a.

Harvard Essay Cover Page

If you are wondering how to structure a title page for a Harvard-formatted essay, this section will greatly help you. This title page for the essay needs to have the details below:

  • Title and page number: The essay header consists of the title and page number; both should be right aligned. Your title needs to be in title case and below 30 characters. There should be five spaces between the title and the page number.
  • Title of essay: It is positioned in the middle of the page, around five lines down from the top, in a double-spaced And every letter in it needs to be in capital letters.
  • Name of the author: Place the author’s name three lines below the essay’s title. Begin with the preposition “by” and then the author's full name.
  • Course/class name: Three lines from the author's name, place the course/class details.
  • Name of instructor: Place this directly below the course/class name. Spell out your instructor's title if they have one, then write their full names.
  • City and state: Mention this directly below the instructor.
  • Due Date: Indicate the date directly below the city and state details.


Harvard essay cover page example:

                                                                                                [Title of the Essay    1]




by [Author’s Name]


[Instructor’s Name]


[City and State]

[Due Date]


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Chicago Essay Cover Page

Although the Chicago formatting style is less popular than the others, you need to understand to structure its title page for an essay, as it is still used in professional and academic works.

Here, you will learn about how to work on its cover page. The Chicago cover page has few details; thus, many people say it is the easiest to write. It does not have an essay header and consists of the 4 details mentioned below:

  • Essay Title: The entire title should be in capital letters and placed between the page's top and middle. In case your essay has a subtitle, place a colon at the end of the title, then write the subtitle in uppercase directly below.
  • Author’s Name: Insert the author’s name in one or two lines below the middle of the page. Write down all the names of the author.
  • Class: Indicate the class detail directly below the author’s name.
  • Due Date: Place the due date directly below the “class” detail. Start with the month, then the day, and end with the year: Eg. September 7, 2023.


Chicago cover page template:




[Author’s Name]

[Course Code and Name]

[Due Date]


That’s all we had for you about how to write an essay cover page. If you need assistance from an expert writing a cover page for an essay for any formatting style or an expert to craft an amazing essay for any field, simply order with us. If you want tips on wrapping up your essay, check out our article on how to end an essay.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is A Cover Page For An Essay?

It is the first page of an essay that shows the title of the essay and details of the author, such as their name, school, and course. It is as well referred to as a title page.

2. What Does A Cover Page Look Like?

Many types of cover pages exist, each with its distinct features. For instance, the cover page for an APA-formatted paper differs from that of an MLA-formatted paper. The specific differences are that the APA cover page starts with the essay’s title and then the author’s name, while one of the MLA cover page layouts starts with the institution and then the essay’s title. Go through this article to see what cover pages for different formatting styles look like. This includes formatting styles like APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago.

3. How to Do a Cover Page?

Each formatting style has its way of structuring the cover page. For example, how you do a cover page in Chicago completely differs from how you would do it in Harvard, MLA, or even APA. Read this article to learn how to make a cover page for an essay when using the standard formatting styles: APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard.

On A Final Note

Have you finished writing your essay and are now struggling to write the cover page? Struggle no more. This guide has all the info you may require when writing a cover page for the most popular writing styles: MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard. In addition, it has provided you with essay cover page templates that you can use to grasp the formats easily.

If time is not on your side, and you really need someone to assist you with the cover page for an essay or even writing the entire essay, we got your back. Place an order with us to get an academic writing service from us.

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