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Read and Use the file ″Excerpt from...″ to answer each section in ″First Essay Worksheet 1″ file. Fill out each bullet point section based only on the excerpt provided.
First Essay Worksheet
The author in this cases uses different quotes and information to appeal to the audience. There are various information provided by the author as well as the arguments that appeal to the audience emotions and at the same time shows the sense of urgency and the need to handle the issue.
"I just think I need to make alterations in the body I have, to make it feel like the body I need it to be."
Through this, the author shows the urgency of the matter and the need to address the transgender issue. While other children may have accepted it, others have nor. Therefore, this shows the need for the sense of urgency as E has not accepted herself and this may have a direct impact on her way of life. It shows an extent that a person may go to in cases where they don't accept who they are and this creates a need to intervene to ensure that this does not happen in the long run.
"Later that evening E searched for the right label for her gender identity. "Transgender" didn't quite fit, she told me"
In this case, the author shows that the character involved is facing difficulties in her life and in the process of searching for self-identity. In this case, E is confused and is not aware of how she should handle the issue.
"By which she meant a body that doesn't menstruate and has no breasts, with more defined facial contours and "a ginger beard." Does that make E a trans guy? A girl who is, as she put it, "insanely androgynous"? Or just someone who rejects the trappings of traditional gender roles altogether?
Through this the author able to appeal to the emotions of the reader by bringing out the questions that can help the reader in thinking more about the issue. This helps in evaluating the extent that the reader or the audience are linked to the topic that the author is addressing. Through this, one is able to evaluate the claims or the reasons behind certain actions. It also provides questions that provide the counterarguments and improves the insight about the topic being addressed. This helps in addressing the facts of the case that has been presented.
"She's questioning her gender identity, rather than just accepting her hobbies and wardrobe choices as those of a tomboy, because we're talking so much about transgender issues these days"
The author, in this case, educates the audience on the importance of accepting themselves of who they are. This also provides an insight to the audience on how they can be able to handle similar situations in case they arise.
"These conversations have led to better head counts of transgender Americans, with a doubling, in just a decade, of adults officially tallied as transgender in national surveys; an increase in the number of people who are gender nonconforming, a broad category that didn't even have a name a generation ago"
This part shows the importance of acceptance and how the increase in sensitization has made it simpler for people to accept themselves for who they are. This provides insight to the audience.
"a rise in the number of elementary schools–age children questioning what gender they are; and a growing awareness of the extremely high risk for all of these people to be bullied, to be sexually assaulted, or to attempt suicide.
The word choice in this helps in appealing to the emotions of the readers. The article, in this case, highlights the risks associated with lack of acceptance considering that it may lead to increase in aspects such as bullying and incidences of suicide if the issue is not handled with care. Through this quote, the readers are able to identify the dangers associated with a lack of acceptance and this can help in coming up with solutions to deal with the issue. This helps in tapping into peoples emotions.
Transgender assignment: Questions and Answers. (2025, January 10). Homework Market . Retrieved February 09, 2025, from https://homeworkmarket.us/sample-papers/transgender-assignment-questions-and-answers
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