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Employee Change Management Plan Sample

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Make and detail the management plan for a current big corporate (10,000+) employee around change management. Such company would be a big local telecorporate company ie Telstra, or global like Nestle (brand or company wide). Must use references from past 2 years. Mostly Australian, or please use the resource material provided, or also the modules do include further research points at the back of each. Subheadings can be a good formatting and stylistic tool here to segment your ideas and thoughts. Use them effectively across Kotter’s model. 
 The change will be around corporate re-structure and implementation of values model for employees with a SHRM model through values and blue print of the Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) goals of the organisation. NOTE: If this seems like there is a different approach please email me a note and I will approve before progressing. When evaluating the change plan, think about why or why not this approach would be successful and leading to a positive workplace change.


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Change management






The change process requires the company to shift from the traditional way of doing things and embrace new tactics to help in making sure that diversity is a success.  The problems with the hiring process can be linked with the inability of the employees to embrace flexibility and understand other people culture and traditions. Australia is home to different cultures and people from different groups all of whom should be integrated into company operations as customers and as employees. Embracing diversity in the workplace is essential as it helps in developing a better understanding of different customer segments within the market. This requires comprehensive changes in the organization way of doing things. If employees do not have a basic understanding of diversity in place, then conflicts are likely to arise due to differences in traditions and cultural practices. As a result, the leadership in the workplace should spearhead the change process to ensure that employees are well aware of the changes needed and their need to embrace diversity. Telstra management, in this case, should ensure that efforts are structured in a way that customer needs are addressed. By embracing diversity, Telstra can be able to ensure that employees in the company have a better understanding of a different set of traditions and culture and in the process ensure that employees are well motivated and have the capacity to develop relationships in the process. Through this Telstra will be able to avoid a situation where employees unity is compromised due to their inability to understand other people cultures.

Recruitment process should be adjusted to ensure that the diverse teams have been recruited by Telstra. As a result, the first step is to ensure that the company incorporates the society in the recruitment process through referrals to ensure that diversity goal has been achieved. For instance, in the recruitment process change process should include the manner in which interviews are conducted to help in making sure that the applicants have a wide range of knowledge in relation to diversity and its importance to the organizations (Carroll, 2018). Once the recruitment process is adjusted, other internal processes should be adjusted to ensure that the goals set have been achieved. This includes job designing and redesigning to ensure that it meets the diverse needs. The process should also incorporate changes in compensation management as well as training and development to ensure diversity is a part of the organization goals.

Company policies should be able to develop generic and other skills such as communication competencies to help in making sure that Telstra can embrace diversity in the process (Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye‐Ebede, Woods, and West, 2017). The recruitment process is the first step towards making sure that diversity within the workplace is achieved. It is the role of the company management to ensure that the environment that has been established to has the capacity to integrate diversity in the process. Jobs description and the job specification play a vital role in the change process and should be incorporated to ensure that the candidate selections are well aligned with the company objectives including the values that have been established in the company. The organization culture, in this case, should be able to discourage aspects such as cyberbullying, physical, social and verbal abuse which may compromise the change process and the process of achieving diversity in the workplace. Therefore, employees should be trained on ways that conflicts can be avoided and the importance of doing so while setting the organization goals that may need to be achieved.

Organization culture should be structured in a way that it can integrate diversity. Through this, Telstra should be able to address the employees needs and ensure that the measures in place do not violate the traditions of different groups within the company. For instance, the company should ensure that traditions such as dress codes are not used in the company or some exceptions are made depending on the traditions. Telstra should ensure that the employees that have been recruited have distinct values and culture that is well integrated in the company day to day operations.  The company should ensure that diversity is embraced in place as per the legal expectations and should also adhere to the industrial relations aspect which dictated the day to day operations of the company.

Employee hiring process

The first change that should be highlighted in the company is the focus on the employees hiring process. Hiring is one of the critical components in the company especially with the sector that the company operates in. Appreciating and understanding diversity is essential in the hiring process. Diversity is essential in examining the employees and the customer's needs (Russell, 2018). There is always a need to ensure that the right balance between the employees and the people management within the institution. Through this, the company should come up with strategies to ensure that the recruitment process embraces diversity, have negotiation strategies in place which does not affect the employee's unity and at the same time come up with motivation strategies to ensure that employees can perform as per the required standards. On the other hand, the firm management should incorporate the workplace policies, change management as well as ways to measure the performance of the organization. 

The hiring process is essential since it helps in managing the change management. This is the most critical aspect of the change process especially with the need to ensure that Telstra can select the employees that meet the company values and have the capacity to embrace diversity. The company should lay the foundation to help in establishing the right balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The change process, in this case, should incorporate both monetary awards, promotion as well as personal satisfaction.

There is a need to ensure that the change process is integrated into the hiring process to ensure that the organization can tap into a wide range of talents available in the market. Due to the competition in the employment sector, the company should come up with ways to help in overcoming the employees turnover as well as ensure that employee retention has been achieved. However, this is only possible if the employees are adequately satisfied and have the capacity to overcome the challenges that the market possesses to them. Hiring for diversity should be the visit motivation considering that Australia is a multicultural environment.  Through this, the company should be able to ensure that employees with diverse sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, and gender are well integrated into the company. This requires the company to adjust the culture and execute adequate training to employees on issues such as diversity. Furthermore, this helps in guaranteeing that the employees are well integrated into the company.

Kotter's 8 step Model of Change in implementing the change process

Creating a sense of urgency

In Telstra, change is needed to help in embracing diversify due to market dynamics. Therefore, the first step is to emphasize the importance of the change process, embracing diversity and the necessity of adopting diversity. By identifying the threats that may exist if the organization fail to embrace diversity, then the stakeholders within the organization will recognize the need of the change process. Telstra, in this case, should embrace diversity completely to help in developing a better understanding of the market and ensure that the company can adjust its operations as per the market changes in Australia.  If employees and the company management understands the importance of the change process in respect to hiring and managing employees, then the organization can embrace the change process (Hajro, Gibson, and Pudelko, 2017). Through this, there is a need to ensure that the employees and the company management are convinced through an open conversation about the change process and embracing diversity within the company.  This will help in educating them on the opportunities available if the change process has been embraced and the threats that exist if the changes have not been embraced within the organization.

Forming a powerful coalition

This is the second step in the change process and requires cooperation from employees and the company management (Riccucci, 2018). Through this, there is a need to ensure that the leadership process in the company can identify the weak areas and the resources that may be required to ensure that diversity is embraced. Through this, the Telstra should ensure that it identifies the people who may help to fuel the change process and at the same time should focus on the team building process. The leadership should ensure that employees and the stakeholders within the organization should adhere to the emotional commitment which is needed to guarantee that the change process is a success. However, the first step is to ensure that the leaders within the organization are identified and participates in the change process. However, the leaders and the employees should be convinced on the importance of the change process and the need for embracing diversity and the change of recruitment process to help in consolidating the market success in the long run.

Creating a vision for change

The vision for change, in this case, is to adjust the hiring process, embracing diversity and making sure that employee re highly motivated. Therefore the leadership within Telstra should be able to ensure that the team involved in the change process understands the need for the change since they will be championing the change process. The leader should ensure that the strategies have been adopted and the volunteers within the company can embrace the change process and completely embrace the need for diversity within the company.  All the volunteers within the company should be able to identify the urgency and in the process should buy into the change process.

Communicating the vision

Once the leadership in Telstra identify the vision, and enlist the volunteers within the organization, the vision of the change process should be communicated to others within the organization. Telstra, in this case, should ensure that the leaders can lead by example, integrate the need for employees diversity and hiring process in the performance reviews as well as the training process. At this point, the company leadership should ensure that they consistent talk about diversity, the importance of diversity, honestly and openly and at the same time address issues relating to anxieties, and the concerns that the employees may have in regards to the change process.

Eliminating the obstacles

The fifth step, in this case, is to ensure that the leadership can identify the employees who may not have bought into the change process and the need to embrace diversity and in the process encourage them on the importance of the change process. At this point, the leadership of Telstra should be able to motivate employees by rewarding those who are motivated to ensure that the change process is a success. Telstra can only be able to successfully implement the change process by making sure that compensation and the performance system within the company as well as the job descriptions are evaluated to ensure that they fit the standards that have been set within the organization.  The leadership, in this case, should identify the hierarchies as well as the process that may be considered as inefficient to ensure that the change process is a success.

Generating short term wins

The sixth step is to come up with ways to ensure that the wins are communicated, collected and recognized. This will help in making sure that the volunteers are well energized and motivated to execute their day to day operations (Triguero-Sánchez, Peña-Vinces, and Guillen, 2018). At this point, people within the organization should be rewarded once they have been instrumental in embracing the change process that embraces diversity in the process. Through this process, the leadership along with the change team should be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages on the set targets to ensure that they have the possibility of achieving the set goals.

Sustain acceleration

Telstra should ensure that once short term wins in respect to the change process has been identified; the change team should identify the strengths and weaknesses. Once Telstra has been able to embrace the change process especially in hiring and the training process, the changes should be implemented across the organization. Through this the leadership should be able to analyze whether the change was successful; and what was not and the reason for the failure to ensure that future success is a guarantee.

Implement change

The last process is instating change and making sure that diversity and other changes are integrated across the company. This is necessary once the blueprint for the change process has been identified within the organization.

SHRM model

This is important in the change process. It integrates aspects such as human resource expertise, ethical practice, relationship management, communication, consultation, leadership and navigation, global and cultural effectiveness, critical evaluation, and business acumen. In the change process embracing diversity is an ethical practice and play a key role in improving and managing the relationship within a company. However, there is always a need to ensure that proper consultation within the company has been embraced to help in managing the relationships within the company. It is important for Telstra to ensure that there is a critical evaluation before the change process has been initiated. In the change process, there is always a need to elaborate the small accomplishment to ensure that all employees are engaged in the process and have the capacity to achieve the set goals. The transformation objectives in place and the winning culture that has been put forwards is instrumental for the achievement of the long term goals.

Big Hairy Audacious Goal

Embracing diversity may be seen as a big audacious goal, but it is necessary if the company is to succeed in the long run.


Telstra can institute a change process within the company to completely embrace diversity in the process. However, adequate employees training is necessary since it helps in avoiding issues such as conflicts and establishing a culture where all employees have the capacity to embrace diversity. Change management within an organization is necessary to ensure that long term success has been achieved. Companies such as Telstra has a wide range of market and large sets of employees in different areas including, pay television, internet access, mobile, and other telecommunication sectors. Telecommunication sector is one of the most volatile sectors due to changes in technology, customers demands as well as an increase in competition which requires a company to adjust its way of doing things from time to time.  In order for the company to remain competitive in this case, there is a need to focus on the implementing value models as well as the working around the corporate restructuring to ensure that the company remain competitive in the long run.




Carroll, J.L., 2018. Sexuality now: Embracing diversity. Cengage Learning.

Guillaume, Y.R., Dawson, J.F., Otaye‐Ebede, L., Woods, S.A. and West, M.A., 2017. Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?. Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 38, no. 2, pp.276-303.

Hajro, A., Gibson, C.B. and Pudelko, M., 2017. Knowledge exchange processes in multicultural teams: Linking organizational diversity climates to teams’ effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal, vol. 60, no. 1, pp.345-372.

Riccucci, N., 2018. Managing Diversity In Public Sector Workforces: Essentials Of Public Policy And Administration Series. Routledge.

Russell, A 2018. ‘Bring Diversity into Your Organizational Culture’, Credit Union Directors Newsletter, vol. 44, no. 11, pp. 1–2.

Triguero-Sánchez, R., Peña-Vinces, J. and Guillen, J., 2018. How to improve firm performance through employee diversity and organisational culture. Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios, vol, 20, no. ).


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Employee Change Management Plan Sample. (2025, January 15). Homework Market . Retrieved February 09, 2025, from https://homeworkmarket.us/sample-papers/employee-change-management-plan-sample

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