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Higher education is a necessity: Argumentative Essay

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Topic: the advantages of higher education. Central question: does higher education result in a better life overall? Thesis: higher education should be considered to be a necessity rather than a privilege because it provides a better life for the person in the future. I will attach the template for the paper


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Higher education should be considered to be a necessity rather than a privilege because it provides a better life for the person in the future.




         Higher education is a necessity. However, society has not embraced higher education thereby affecting the lives of young people in the long run. Families and society should have measures in place to help in making sure that the young generation has access to higher education. Higher education helps in equipping individuals with the skills required to overcome the challenges that they face on a daily basis and helps in society building process. Through this, higher education gives individuals the ability to express themselves and sustain their individual lives. Through this, high education helps in making sure that individuals are able to achieve personal development and this helps in living a healthy lifestyle. However, one of the main challenge that face the education sector is the high cost that is linked to higher education which makes it inaccessible. Therefore, higher education should be considered to be a necessity rather than a privilege because it provides a better life for the person in the future.

         Higher education should be a necessity due to the role it plays in improving individual lives and the country economy. Access to higher education helps in shaping careers and improving creativity which is necessary for the long term development of a country. Those countries that have high access rate to higher education equip the public with the resources to overcome the challenges they face on a daily basis and at the same time help in the nation-building process. The high skilled population has a higher probability to engage in economic activities including entrepreneurship which in the process helps in improving their lives which makes higher education a necessity.  Furthermore, access to higher education also facilitates the process of civic involvement and this also helps in the nation-building process. As a result, most people with access to higher education are able to identify the challenges that a country faces and in the process link the solutions that are needed from the leaders manifest. Therefore, it is difficult to manipulate or influence those with access to higher education since they are aware of the economic structures and what is needed to overcome those challenges.

         Higher education helps individuals to pursue their individual careers. When growing up, individuals are often exposed to a kind of environment where one is encouraged to pursue certain careers which is only possible through higher education. Nonetheless, personal careers such as white collar jobs, establishing and managing a business, and engaging in technical operations requires individuals to access higher education which helps in improving their level of preparedness. Through higher education, individuals are able to gain knowledge, undergo comprehensive training and development and the skill development process can be attained through access to higher education. Access to higher education helps in shaping people careers where one is able to choose the direction where one is supposed to take on the long run. Over the years, people careers have been shaped by the existence of higher education where one is able to decide on the careers direction that one should take. It is through this process that one is able to plan their lives which is necessary since it also helps in both personal and societal development (Luthra, and Jennifer, 845).

         Access to higher education helps in equipping individuals with the knowledge needed to facilitate societal development. Civic involvement and societal development are often achieved through the process of acquiring higher education. Through this individuals are able to ensure they help in shaping the community social and political issues and at the same time improve the economic wellbeing of a person or that of the society.  Those people with higher education are often aware of the health issues that they face on a daily basis especially due to the ability to make positive choices.  Institutions with a high level of knowledge have the capacity to evaluate the situations and in the process help in making better choices in regards to their health and how the issues are approached.

         One of the key advantages of higher education is the role that higher education play in personal development. Individual goals can be facilitated with access to higher education. Therefore, higher education should be a necessity since it helps individuals in improving their identification as well as the critical thinking skills which are applicable in the day to day activities (Doyle, and Benjamin, 870). The absence of higher education makes it harder for individuals to exercise their critical thinking skills and this limits their individual development in the long run. As a long as people have the basic skills to help in facilitating their individual development and in the long run have a positive impact on the economy. Furthermore, access to higher education is gaining a sense of accomplishment which helps in personal development and improving the people lives in the process. Access to higher education should be a right and a necessity but should not be considered as a privilege. This helps in protecting the younger generation and safeguarding the children future in the long run.  Even though education is a right, millions of people do not have access to higher education and therefore consider it as a privilege. Therefore there is a need to involve the teachers, the stakeholders in the private sector, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and civil society and the federal and state governments to help in increasing the number of people with access to higher education. Stakeholders in higher education including teachers should be actively involved in encouraging people to access higher education. Higher education helps in facilitating personal development. Higher education helps individuals in living a healthy life. Acquiring higher education helps in improving verbal and written and through this people are able to express themselves. Through this, people are able to relate with each other and in the process In addition access to higher education enables students to promote or enhance critical thinking.

         Over the years, the main issue has been the increase in cost related to higher education which makes it harder for the public to acquire higher education. Most students have sighted that increase in student loans have affected their perceptions regards to access to higher education. With this in mind, students from poor background have viewed access to higher education as a privilege since they do not have the resources to acquire higher education. The main problem, in this case, is that most families are unable to afford higher education due to the cost that this is associated with. Furthermore, those who have acquired higher education have discouraged others from doing so indicating that still have high debts that they have acquired in the process of acquiring higher education. With this in mind, those with poor backgrounds find it difficult to compete with those with a high level of resources. Access to colleges and universities has, therefore, become more and more complicated as the government has been unable to make a substantial investment in the education sector to help in subsidizing higher education (Hensley et al., 555). Unless higher education is subsidized, it will still remain a privilege to most people in the United States in their process of acquiring higher education. The main challenge, therefore, is that poor families often shy away from increasing their level of debts considering that they often struggle to acquire basic needs such as food, clothing, and shelter. While others end up becoming homeless due to the high cost of living and others in foster homes, their access to higher education becomes more of a privilege. Even though people are aware of the role that higher education play in people lives, they are unable to acquire it. Another major challenge is the limited number of higher education institutions when compared with the number of students in need of higher education.

         To subsidize higher education, there is a need to ensure that more investment is incorporated in higher education to make higher education more accessible. While the majority recognizes the importance and the role that higher education plays in people lives, they often consider it as a necessity due to higher education associated with higher education. However, in order to overcome this challenge, there is a need to expand the capacity of existing higher education institutions or investing in community colleges to help in expanding access to higher education (McKinney, et al., 335). There is a need to ensure that most people have access to higher education institution to ensure that higher education as a necessity has been acquired. In order to make higher education completely accessible, there is a need to make high education accessible to all by reducing the cost of acquisitions and the number of higher education institutions. This will play a key role in equipping the students with the tools, knowledge, opportunity needed to acquire higher education.


         Higher education should be considered to be a necessity rather than a privilege because it provides a better life for the person in the future. Even though higher education is a necessity, its access has been limited to those people with financial resources to do so. Access to higher education should be a necessity and a right since it helps in personal development, societal development as well as economic development. However, the main challenge has been the cost that is associated with high education given that most people are unable to access higher education. Furthermore, students debts have increased thereby making it difficult for the majority of the public to access higher education.  With increased access to higher education, there is a probability that personal, economic and social development will be fostered in the long run. If the majority of the population are able to access higher education, then there is a probability that the economic development of a country and that of individuals will be attained. Overcoming the issues related cost of higher education is the first step towards making sure the privilege associated with higher education is eliminated. This can be achieved if education institutions such as community colleges are incorporated as a part of higher education since this will help in improving people lives.


Work Cited

Doyle, William R., and Benjamin T. Skinner. “Does Postsecondary Education Result in Civic Benefits?” Journal of Higher Education, vol. 88, no. 6, Nov. 2017, pp. 863–893. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/00221546.2017.1291258.

Hensley, Brad, et al. “What Is the Greater Good? The Discourse on Public and Private Roles of Higher Education in the New Economy.” Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, vol. 35, no. 5, Oct. 2013, pp. 553–567. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/1360080X.2013.825416.

Luthra, Renee, and Jennifer Flashman. “Who Benefits Most from a University Degree?: A Cross-National Comparison of Selection and Wage Returns in the US, UK, and Germany.” Research in Higher Education, vol. 58, no. 8, Dec. 2017, pp. 843–878. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s11162-017-9451-5.

McKinney, Lyle, et al. “Community College Students’ Assessments of the Costs and Benefits of Borrowing to Finance Higher Education.” Community College Review, vol. 43, no. 4, Oct. 2015, pp. 329–354. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1177/0091552115594669.

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Higher education is a necessity: Argumentative Essay. (2025, January 10). Homework Market . Retrieved February 09, 2025, from https://homeworkmarket.us/sample-papers/higher-education-is-a-necessity-argumentative-essay

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