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Future Society: Critical Thinking

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Donated by Phil Hutchinson

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Discussion Instructions

just simple answer the questions and identify the phenomena relate to the topic that covered in class as well as the reading: * Buddhist Economics and Economy of Tomorrow * Human Consciousness – Dunbar 150 vs Singer’s Expanding Circle * Lest We Forget: Our Final, Greatest Challenge * Chang. 23 Things they don’t tell you about Capitalism (below has summarise already) * Schumacher. Buddhist Economics * Ray Anderson of Interface: https://blog.ted.com/remembering-ray--anderson/
    WSJ Japan Rare-Earth Find 2018.pdf Above this the paper is what you need to answer for the following questions 1 and 2. Q1. Critically analyse how media filters affect how this story is reported – including the general ‘angle’ and emphasis of the story. (25%) Q2. Critically analyse the subject matter of the article itself, using the most relevant facts, phenomena and concepts from the course. (40%)

Discussion Solution Paper

Critically analyse how media filters affect how this story is reported – including the general ‘angle’ and emphasis of the story. (25%)

Media filters affects how the reporting is done. Media filters incorporates aspects such as the relationships between the corporations, government and banks with the news corporations.  Therefore, the corporation or the entity that conducted the research process can determine the manner in which the discovery of rare earth metal is reported considering the impact that this is likely to have on economy and the market of rare earth metals. On the other hand, media houses are motivated by advertising and the revenues they are likely to generate from advertising activities.  Therefore, the reporting of the story often goes hand in hand with advertisements and therefore the media firms may emphasize on the stories likely to align with their long term advertisement needs. The relationship is also shaped by the manner in which the relationship between media firms and the securing of raw materials may affect how the news are reported.

The news relating to “Japan hopes rare-earth find will give it an edge against China” depends on how the information was acquired and the relationship that the media reporting the issues has with the japan government. The article indicates that Japan has discovered large set of mineral deposits that has been used in the electric and batteries. However, the reporting of this issue is determined by the credibility of the companies involved in the research process and how the information is distributed. The reporting company is Wall street journal which do not have close connection with Japanese government. However, the companies involved in the research process is

Critically analyse the subject matter of the article itself, using the most relevant facts, phenomena and concepts from the course. (40%)

The use of the natural gas leads to the emission of greenhouse gases and therefore the use of rare earth metals can help in reducing the emissions. Through this sustainable development can be achieved as long as the resources are channelled through the right platforms. The article by George Bernard addresses on what needs to be done for the economy of tomorrow to be realized. This largely revolves around the sustainable development since it revolves around the nature of economic activities that the society engages in. For instance, the production of food is likely to be affected by the climatic changes which is also linked with increased emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Money as a social goods means that the economic developed should be structured in a way that it is aligned with the sustainable development. Trading activities shapes the movement of labour and determining the type of activities that a country or the individual is likely to engage in. One of the critical aspect that needs to be addressed in this case is sustainability which is vital if the global economy is to succeed.

The article by the Wall Street Journal is based on the facts and therefore follows fact checking aspect. It is true that China has dominated the production and the experts of rare earth metals which presents a challenge to other countries considering that they are relied upon by the car manufacturing companies to be used for batteries. As countries shift towards a more sustainable production of energy, rare earth metals are likely to play a key role in facilitating this change. However, there is a need of fact check the assertion that the rare earth metals have been found in Japan in order to evaluate the impact that this is likely to have on the global supply of the rare earth metals. In respect to rare earth metals being found in Japan, there is a need to rely on Dialogic Analysis in order to understand the discovery from other perspectives to help in evaluating the impact this is likely to have on the global supply considering that most people may not have insights on the issue.

The Buddhist Economics can be evaluated from the critical literacy point of view.  This largely centres on the positive relationship between the economic progress and the religions values which according to the Buddhist Economics are not in conflict.

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Future Society: Critical Thinking. (2025, January 16). Homework Market . Retrieved February 09, 2025, from https://homeworkmarket.us/sample-papers/future-society-critical-thinking

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