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Diabetes Affects a Growing Number of Americans

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Discussion Instructions

Exercise 2.5 Diabetes affects a growing number of Americans. You have been invited to join a collaborative of community agencies interested in tackling diabetes from a community perspective.


What resources will you use to identify different outcomes related to diabetes?

What outcomes related to diabetes are of most interest to community members?

How will you compare the outcomes you select to monitor at the local level with state and national outcomes?


Discussion Solution Paper


Tackling Diabetes





What resources will you use to identify different outcomes related to diabetes?

          HEALTHY PEOPLE 2020 primarily focuses on the need to ensure that the American population are healthy and live a fruitful life (HEALTHY PEOPLE, 2019). The first step towards tacking diabetes’s is carrying out the research on the society awareness on diabetes as well as the causes of obesity. When tackling diabetes, there is a need to establish the community awareness program relating to diabetes. The two most important resources that are required are financial and human resources to carry out the research process and organize seminars to educate the public. One of the resources required in this case is the medical equipment’s to help in conducting the medical check to the society. This requires financial and human resources to help in carrying out the tests. This includes the manner in which issues such as diabetes are handled. One of the aspect that need to be evaluated is the people eating habit considering some of the issues relating to diabetes can be avoided.

What outcomes related to diabetes are of most interest to community members?

The outcomes include

  • Reduced deaths relating to diabetes
  • Reduced obesity or cases of being overweight
  • The changes in the cases of diabetes that has been recorded
  • The number of seminars that have been organized and the increased public education on obesity
  • The increase in medical equipment to help in managing obesity
  • Increased in physical activities and engaging in sports especially for children

          The outcomes include having a consistent sensitization program including seminars to educate the society on the issue. This helps in maintaining contact with the society and in making sure that changes in the way of life are recorded on time.

          The outcomes include taking care of those affected by diabetes. Through this, there is a need to educate the population on ways that they can tackle diabetes. One outcome is increased sensitization of the society of ways to handle diabetes. This includes adjusting the way of life considering that diabetes is caused by the high presence of sugar in the body. There is a need to educate society on the need to change their eating habits unusually high consumption of fast foods and those with high sugar presence. The second outcome is making sure that those with diabetes are well taken care of. This is by advising families and those affected by diabetes on the ways they can access the treatment, advise them on the cases and the need to change the diet. There is a need to educate society on the ways to improve their physical activity which can play a crucial role in avoiding issues relating to obesity and being overweight (Cdc.gov, 2014). Most people that are affected by diabetes have obesity and overweight-related issues.

          Reduced rate of obesity signifies that society has managed to overcome the issues relating to being overweight and have managed their eating habits.  Furthermore, the reduced rate of deaths relating to obesity will signify the progress that the society has managed to make. It will also show that the society has been able to take care of those affected by diabetes.


How will you compare the outcomes you select to monitor at the local level with state and national outcomes?

          The comparison of the outcomes between the local and the national outcomes will be based on the national statistics of diabetes. Another outcome will be used as a measure is the changes in obesity given that it is one of the leading causes of increased cases of diabetes in the United States. Another outcome that can be used to establish a measure of the progress is the number of deaths attributed to the cases of diabetes. The education of cases of diabetes-related deaths in the local level will signify the success of the measures that have been put in place.



Cdc.gov. (2014). Overweight & Obesity | CDC. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/index.html

HEALTHY PEOPLE. (2019). Using Healthy People 2020 to Achieve Your Goals: Implementation, Action, and New Tools U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/sites/default/files/HP_Stakeholder%20Webinar_110712_508_PPT.pdf

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Diabetes Affects a Growing Number of Americans. (2025, January 13). Homework Market . Retrieved February 09, 2025, from https://homeworkmarket.us/sample-papers/diabetes-affects-a-growing-number-of-americans

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