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This is an assignment that has 4 separate tasks. The Instructions need to be followed with exactness. The right person needs to KNOW HOW TO create an affinity diagram, KNOW the 3 types of costs for quality considerations, KNOW ABOUT ENTREPRENEURSHIP and innovation, and KNOW about THE $ KEY BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION. There are explicit instructions below that must be followed. Your submission must be your original work. No more than 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide. **Task :1 SCENARIO: You are employed by a firm that produces tangible products. These products are then sold to a consuming populace that is unaffected by place, income, sex, race, age, or any environmental concerns. These products are acquired and used across the spectrum of consumers. REQUIREMENTS: *Prepare a memo (suggested length of 1–3 pages) to your supervisor that addresses the following: A. Identify the THREE TYPES of costs when quality considerations are made. B. EXPLAIN EACH of these types of costs using examples. C. Evaluate the THREE TYPES of costs considering the trade-offs within manufacturing a product and/or producing a service. D. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. **Task2: SCENARIO: A shoe manufacturing company is having a problem with returns and customer complaints in their boot division. Top executives are meeting to figure out what these problems in the boot division are costing the company. REQUIREMENTS: Create an AFFINITY DIAGRAM with AT LEAST 6 TYPES of cost centers to show where the boot division is costing the company money. Your diagram should include the following: A. The problem statement. B. AT LEAST 6 TYPES of cost centers that are being affected by the boot division. C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. **TASK 3: INTRODUCTION Organizations often try to develop an entrepreneurial culture through a strong orientation toward entrepreneurship. REQUIREMENTS A. Prepare a brief summary, listing and defining AT LEAST 4 REASONS why entrepreneurial organizations seek opportunities for innovation. B. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. **TASK 4: INTRODUCTION: THERE ARE 4 KEY BARRIERS to communication: process barriers, personal barriers, physical barriers, and semantic barriers. REQUIREMENTS: Write an ESSAY describing how you, as a manager, would overcome EACH OF THESE 4 barriers. A. Describe the guidelines, tools, practices, or procedures that you would use to overcome each type of communication barrier (i.e., process, personal, physical, and semantic). B. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


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Business Management Tasks

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Task 1

Types of Cost and the Consideration

         When the quality considerations are made, the failure, appraisal and the prevention costs should be considered by the company. It is important for the business to plan ahead and incorporate issues relating to the tangible product's failure since they are likely to affect the company operations in the long run. However, there is also a need to ensure that the presentation costs are considered in order to ensure that the quality issues do not reoccur in the long run. The cost related to the prevention includes the process of quality system auditing, providing the suppliers with technical support, quality circles and training as well as quality engineering. On the other hand, the appraisal costs include conducting the appraisals as well as the customer site testing process. Other appraisal costs that may be included a range from cost incurred for

         Failure costs are either internal or external. The internal costs are largely identified to the point in time before such goods are availed to the customers while the external failures are identified by the customers.

         Internal failure-related costs include software errors, data issues, retesting of the products, products defects, the inspection process, labour and the scarp from products. On the other hand, the internal failure-related costs include the replacement of the products from the customers as well as the repairs from the products. Others that may relate to the injuries that the company employees may experience in the work environment. This largely relates to the products that are issued to the company and has warranty in place, other external related failures includes the recalling of the products once they have been provided to the customers as well as the cost related to the reduced market. Share. At times, the defects in the company products may make the company liable which increased the cost of operations. On the other hand, the prevention related costs include expense incurred in eliminating errors and defects, designing the defects in the company, administration related costs, procedures as well as the acquiring specialists. Appraisal costs relates to the testing related cost which may include the inspection process, overall testing, conducting audits relating to quality as well as the tests relating to the structure and the design of the company (Omachonu, Suthummanon, & Einspruch, 2004).

         Prevention costs are necessary within the company considering that they are those incurred in making sure that the defects are eliminated at the early stages and they are necessary for improving the quality of the products. This is vital since it helps in safeguarding the company reputation, reducing the number of recalls and improving customer satisfaction (Cheah, Shah, Shahbudin, Fauziah, & Taib, 2011).

         The appraisal costs trade-offs are also necessary since they help in making sure that the auditing procedures and the inspections have been conducted which helps in maintaining high quality in the company. This helps in eliminating defects and making sure that the final products are of high quality. As a result, this is important since it helps in making sure that the company production process is not compromised.

         Both internal and external failure costs should be eliminated. They relate to the need to ensure that products are of high quality before they are provided to consumers in the long run (Gouws, & Wolmarans, 2002). This helps in making sure that failure is avoided and the company reputation is also safeguarded. Therefore, external and internal failure cost should always be avoided since they help in making sure that the company future operations are safeguarded.

Task 2

         The main issue, in this case, is the increased returns from the customers as well as the complaints.  The managers, in this case, have the responsibility of making sure that the barriers are eliminated to help in improving the quality and the operations of the trade-offs. The affinity diagram below shows the costs associated with the complaints from the customers as well as the returns from the customers. It shows the issues that the division faces in the boot division.

         The issues that the company face in the boot division includes the increased customer complaints and the increased customer returns. The ideas in this case includes

Task 3

         Innovation is necessary since it helps a company in retaining the competitive advantage in the market. This enables the company to ensure that the goods and services in the market remain relevant when compared to others in the market (De Dreu, & West, 2001). Innovation is also important since it helps a company in developing the capacity to meet the customers changing needs. It also enables a company to invent new and improved goods and services. In this case, the customers are always seeking high-quality products with the capacity to meet their needs on a daily basis. Introducing new products in the market often enable a company to gain an edge over the others in the same market. Companies often seek innovation in order to disrupt the market (Bharadwaj, & Menon, 2000). The use of disruptive innovation is important since it helps in changing the dimension of the market and enabling the company to gain a market share over the others. Furthermore, innovation is also needed to ensure that the organization is able to rely on improved efficiency in the day to day operations. This is achieved by making sure that employees are involved in the brainstorming process and this is important in the long term success of any organization.

Task 4

         There is always a need to ensure that the meaning of the message or even the feelings sent by the sender is not misunderstood.  This largely occurs in cases where the sender relies on jargons or complicated language. As a result, the role of the manager is to ensure that all the elements used in the communication process are properly understood. Therefore, the manager should ensure that the message is clearly expressed in order for the recipient of the message to understand it completely. As a result, the words or the symbols used in the communication process should have specific meanings to ensure that the recipients do not misunderstand the message that is being portrayed. In addition, the manager should ensure that the communication process does not lead to assumptions created by the recipients.

         A manager can work towards eliminating personal barriers since they may affect the relationship between the receiver and the sender (Martin, & Nakayama, 2013). They can be eliminated by making sure that the supervisors and the distribution of authorities do not compromise the communication process. The company management, therefore, should empower the subordinates and show that they are trusted to ensure that the communication process is a success. Incentives should be given to the employees to ensure that they are willing to communicate with others. However, personal barriers can be eliminated by making sure that the relationship between the employees and the supervisors is positive to enable them to communicate freely.

         Physical barriers can be eliminated by making sure that the organization has adequate resources to help in facilitating the communication process. The manager should ensure that physical barriers such as noise have been eliminated in the workplace (Blum, 2005). The organization structure should ensure that technological, as well as the interior design, are structured in a way that they facilitate the communion process. Therefore, the physical barriers can be eliminated by the manager by laying the foundation with the inclusion of email, telephone and face to face communication depending on the nature of the message.

         The process of the communication process may be faced with by a variety of barriers. They mostly include the process of communicating and receiving feedback in the organization. In the communication process, it is the role of the manager to ensure that the method of communication used to have the capacity of providing feedback and overcoming issues such as noise. The manager can lay the foundation where different types of communication are used including face to face especially when there is a need to receive immediate feedback and monitor employees’ emotions. Therefore, various processes can be used, but there should be standards to ensure that the process of encoding and decoding the message does not lead to misinterpretation of the messages (Lunenburg, 2010).




Bharadwaj, S., & Menon, A. (2000). Making innovation happen in organizations: individual creativity mechanisms, organizational creativity mechanisms or both?. Journal of Product Innovation Management: AN INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION OF THE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION17(6), 424-434.

Blum, K. D. (2005). Gender differences in asynchronous learning in higher education: Learning styles, participation barriers and communication patterns. JALN3(1).

Cheah, S. J., Shah, A., Shahbudin, M., Fauziah, & Taib, M. (2011). Tracking hidden quality costs in a manufacturing company: an action research. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management28(4), 405-425.

De Dreu, C. K., & West, M. A. (2001). Minority dissent and team innovation: The importance of participation in decision making. Journal of applied Psychology86(6), 1191.

Gouws, D. G., & Wolmarans, H. P. (2002). Quality cost in tertiary education: Making internal failure cost visible. Meditari accountancy research10(1), 87-108.

Lunenburg, F. C. (2010). Communication: The process, barriers, and improving effectiveness. Schooling1(1), 1-11.

Martin, J. N., & Nakayama, T. K. (2013). Experiencing intercultural communication. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Omachonu, V. K., Suthummanon, S., & Einspruch, N. G. (2004). The relationship between quality and quality cost for a manufacturing company. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management21(3), 277-290.


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Business Management Task. (2025, January 15). Homework Market . Retrieved February 09, 2025, from https://homeworkmarket.us/sample-papers/business-management-task

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