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Are you searching for WGU test answers online? Search no more. You are where you want to be. Our company comprises a team of academic helpers for all fields of study. So, you can turn to us if you need any answers, including those for the WGU test and for courses that fall under the health, business, teaching, and IT disciplines, among others. We have been in the academic help business for over 10 years; you thus need not worry when placing your order with us.
Go through this article to understand more about WGU tests and why we are the best in offering answers for WGU tests.
Before looking at what WGU tests are, let’s start by first understanding what “WGU” is. WGU is an acronym for Western Governors University. This institution was founded in 1997 by 19 USA governors. The idea was generated at the Western Governors Association meeting in 1995.
The key theme in the idea was to broaden education by offering it on the internet, and WGU has lived to this principle to date as all its courses are done virtually. The online courses offered are largely for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The courses are accredited by professional accreditation entities such as NCATE, CCNE, CAHIIM, CAEP, NWCCU, and others.
All of the courses are competency-based. This means that the institution looks at learning and acquired skills and does not focus on time on task. Students thus progress to the next module or step after they show they have mastered the present material. Students demonstrate their competency (knowledge, ability, and skills) through various assessments, such as test- and writing-based.
We are here for you in case you need WGU test answers. You only need to register with us and place your order; this only takes a few minutes.
WGU offers four fields of study. They are Business, IT, teaching, and health. You will therefore be tested on programs that revolve around these four disciplines. This online university mainly offers courses under Bachelor’s and master’s degrees, though, in other fields such as IT, it provides the most common certification courses. Examples of the programs under each field can be seen below.
Certifications offered include:
If you are new to WGU, you must go through various steps to get to the WGU testing section. The steps involve you getting admitted and choosing your preferred course. A detailed view of the steps is highlighted below.
WGU testing will happen once you start the course. The tests are spread over the course. The most common tests done by WGU students are as shown below. You may read them to see what the tests entail.
One of the assessments for the Accounting Decision Makers module is the WGU C213 test. This test covers topics related to:
An assessment under the Best Practices in Management module is the WGU D073 test. This assessment deals with topics like:
If you are pursuing a WGU course in Health and Nursing, you will likely encounter a WGU C785 test. Many students like to refer to it as WGU Biochemistry Test. This test will check your competency in areas such as:
The other common test under the Health and Nursing discipline is the WGU NAHQ test. This assessment consists of the following topics.
The previous section has taken you through the steps to reach the WGU testing stage. This part will explain how much you should pay to do WGU Tests.
You may pay five different types of fees when taking a WGU course. They are:
Tuition fees. These are the funds you pay to be taught.
Assessment fees. You pay this fee to fund test proctors, the testing center, and the test themselves.
Graduation fees. This fee you pay in regard to graduation. In WGU, the graduation fees encompass items like diploma duplicates and purchasing the graduation attire when you need to attend the WGU commencement ceremony. However, it is not compulsory to participate.
Mandatory travel costs. These are costs that you will incur in teaching and nursing education. For instance, you will need to travel for teaching training and in-person clinical experiences.
Additional fees. You will pay these miscellaneous funds for items like library books, labs, resources, and transcript orders.
You need to pay WGU tuition fees (below $7,000-8,000 per year) in order to take WGU tests. Assessment fees you pay after the second retake. At times, you will also need to pay additional fees and incur mandatory travel costs.
Once you enroll in any WGU program, you will be helped by three faculty members: program mentors, course instructors, and evaluators. Who can help you where and what’s the difference between the three?
Program mentors. These are the first professionals you will be assigned immediately after enrolling. These experts will simplify your transition by giving you information about procedures, policies, and programs. They will also evaluate your development needs and strengths and assist you in creating a study plan. Program mentors will remain with you up to you graduate.
Course instructors. These are professionals that will help you with aspects concerning your course. All of them have achieved doctorate or post-graduate degrees. They will utilize several platforms and strategies to assist you in the courses. The intensity and type of instruction they offer will depend on your needs.
Evaluators. These are faculty members whose leading role is to evaluate student performance. Evaluators will review assessments to identify your competency level and offer support to facilitate your development. They also have doctorate or post-graduate qualifications like the course instructors.
Apart from these three professionals, there are also us, homework market. We have numerous academic homework help experts that can help you in any situation or role provided by all three professionals. Our academic services are more comprehensive, as we also provide WGU test answers. Place your order with us to get the answers.
WGU assessments and grading strategies differ from one course to another. Grading in some assessments depends on carefully designed rubrics; in others, they look at how many correct answers students provide to objective questions (like multiple-choice questions).
You should consult your syllabus to understand how the grading of your course is calculated. You will get a letter grade and a percentage score for each course. You need to get 70% or more to pass a course. Turn to us if you are having difficulty passing a class; we will give you the correct WGU test answers for all fields of study.
Below are the typical assessment types in WGU.
The first WGU test that you may do is the Readiness Assessment. This assessment is timed and usually done after your successful admission to WGU. It takes around two hours, and it is not proctored. The WGU readiness test is done by students without prior knowledge of the course they are pursuing. If you have an associate in arts (A.A) degree or an associate in science (A.S) degree, you will most likely not do this assessment.
The assessment is divided into four parts:
This ungraded test helps students evaluate their knowledge before starting a certain module or graded test.
These are also known as WGU written assignments. They are graded and do not involve proctoring.
These are proctored and graded. They mainly do not require much writing as the questions are either “true/false quizzes,” “multiple answer quizzes,” or “multiple-choice quizzes.”
Come to us for any WGU assignment, be it a WGU language test, WGU preassessment test, WGU objective assessment, or another.
In the above section, we have deeply covered the types of assessments in WGU. We have seen:
The only proctored assessments out of all of these are the WGU objective test. You should know that the objective tests cover most of the graded assessments. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself well for the proctoring process. You have two options to choose from; you can either be remotely proctored or go to a WGU proctored testing center.
Many students around the globe trust us regarding WGU test answers. Some of the reasons why they trust us, and why you should do the same, are that we:
You must get over 70% and above to pass a WGU-graded exam.
There are many types of WGU exams, each with a specific number of attempts. For instance, you can only attempt the final exam two times, while for other assessments, such as writing assessments, you can retake up to three times. You retake a whole course if you exhaust all attempts. Just reach out to us if it is stressful to take an exam.
It is hard to state precisely if WGU exams are hard or not. Some say the tests are hard, and others say they are easy.
Yes, it is. Go through WGU Resource Library to get career help and how you can use the certificate.
If you need WGU test answers, then place your order with us. We are among the best websites that provide these answers for all fields of study. Do not let WGU exams make your day dull while we are around. If you have another concern regarding the WGU test, read through this article or contact us.
Prices start at $12.99 per page (275 words) for writing and $8.5 for editing and proofreading.