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  2. STAT200: In the first assignment (Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Data Plan), you developed a scenario about annual household expenditures and a plan for analyzing the data using descriptive statistic methods.

STAT200: In the first assignment (Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Data Plan), you developed a scenario about annual household expenditures and a plan for analyzing the data using descriptive statistic methods.: Expert Solutions for Success

STAT200 Introduction to Statistics
Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup
In the first assignment (Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Data Plan), you developed a
scenario about annual household expenditures and a plan for analyzing the data using descriptive
statistic methods. The purpose of this assignment is to carry out the descriptive statistics analysis plan
and write up the results. The expected outcome of this assignment is a two- to three-page write-up of
the findings from your analysis and a recommendation.
Assignment Steps:
Step #1: Review Feedback from Your Instructor
Before performing any analysis, please make sure to review your instructor’s feedback on Assignment
#1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan. Based on the feedback, modify variables, tables, and
selected statistics, graphs, and tables, if needed.
Step #2: Perform Descriptive Statistic Analysis
Task 1: Look at the dataset.
(Re)Familiarize yourself with the variables. Review Table 1: Variables Selected for the
Analysis you generated for the first assignment as well as your instructor’s feedback. In
addition, look at the data dictionary contained in the data set for information about the
Select the variables you need for the analysis.
Task 2: Complete your data analysis, as outlined in your first assignment, with any needed
modifications based on your instructor’s feedback.
Calculate Measures of Central Tendency and Variability. Use the information from
Assignment #1 - Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected Variables. Here again,
be sure to see your instructor’s feedback and incorporate into the analysis.
Prepare Graphs and/or Tables. Use the information from Assignment #1 - Table 3.
Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected Variables. Here again, be sure to see your
instructor’s feedback and incorporate into the analysis.
Step #3: Write-up findings using the Provided Template
For this part of the assignment, write a short 2-3 page write-up of the process you followed and the
findings from your analysis. You will describe, in words, the statistical analysis used and present the
results in both statistical/text and graphic formats.
Here are the main sections for this assignment:
Identifying Information. Fill in information on name, class, instructor, and date.
Introduction. For this section, use the same scenario you submitted for the first assignment and
modified using your instructor’s feedback, if needed. Include Table 1 (Table 1: Variables
Selected for the Analysis) you used in Assignment #1 to show the variables you selected for the
Data Set Description and Method Used for Analysis. Briefly describe the data set, using
information provided in the data set file. Also describe what method(s) (i.e., TI Calculator, free
web applets, Excel) you used to analyze the data.
Results. In this section, you will report the results of your descriptive statistics data analysis. For
each variable, fill in the following sections:
Variable (#): (Name). Fill in the name of the variable. Note: Income was included for
variable 1.
Numerical Summary. Fill in Table . Descriptive Analysis for Variable with your
computation. Below is the template table; be sure to include the name(s) of the
measures used as well as their values. Since there will be no measure of dispersion for
the qualitative variable, just enter N/A for not applicable. Note: The information for the
required variable, “Income,” has already been partially completed and can be used as a
guide for completing information on the remaining variables.
Graph and/or Table. Put the graph or table for the variable in this section. STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup - Instructions
Description of Findings.
- Briefly describe the descriptive statistics measure(s) that was/were calculated
and explain why was it/they the appropriate one(s) to use.
- Describe the results of the analysis in everyday language. Please consult your
textbook and information contained in our LEO classroom for examples.
Discussion and Conclusion. Organize the discussion to address findings for which you presented
results. Briefly discuss each variable in the same sequence as presented in the results. What has
the highest expenditure? What variable has the lowest expenditure? If you were to recommend
a place to save money, which expenditure would it be and why? Note: The section should be no
more than 2 paragraphs.
Assignment Submission: Name the file that contains your completed “Assignment #2: Descriptive
Statistics Analysis Writeup Template” using the following format: “Assignment2-StudentLastName.”
Submit it via the Assignments area in the LEO classroom in the “Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics
Analysis Writeup” folder.
Grading Rubric for Assignment #2


STAT200 - Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup


The scenario selected for the analysis was that of a 35-year-old unmarried female with three children, with annual household income of $97469, has a family size of 4, annual expenditures of $54929, and spends $6900 on food, $18514 on housing, and $145 on transportation.

Table 1. Variables Selected for the Analysis

Data Set Description and Method Used for Analysis:

The family size selected for analysis was that of a 35-year-old unmarried female with three children, with annual household income of $97469, has annual expenditures of $54929, and spends $6900 on food. The information will be used in the analysis of the family’s annual expenditures and income to determine some measures of central tendency and dispersion.



Variable 1: Income

Numerical Summary.

Table 2. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 1



Measure(s) of Central Tendency

Measure(s) of Dispersion

Variable: Income


Median= 96680.5

SD = 6291.076


 Graph and/or Table: Histogram of Income



Description of Findings.

The mean income of the selected households is $96680.5 and the standard deviation is $6291.076.

From the histogram shown above, we can conclude that the families whose annual income is between $95000 and $100000 have the highest number. We can also see that the number of households whose income is more than $100000 has gradually decreased as shown in the histogram above.

Variable 2: MaritalStatus

Numerical Summary.

Table 3. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 2



Measure(s) of Central Tendency

Measure(s) of Dispersion

Variable: MaritalStatus


Mode= there is no mode because the number of families whose head is married is equal to the number of households whose head is unmarried.

There is no measure of variability to use in this case because the data is qualitative.

 Pie Chart 

Description of Findings.

The number of households whose head is married is equal to the number of households whose head is unmarried. Therefore, we cannot identify the mode of the data set. From the pie chart drawn above, we can also see that the percentage of households whose head is married equals to the number of households whose head is unmarried.


Variable 3: AgeHeadHousehold


Numerical Summary.

Table 4. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 3



Measure(s) of Central Tendency

Measure(s) of Dispersion

Variable: AgeHeadHousehold


Median= 48

SD= 7.304856


Graph and/or Table.

Description of Findings.

The Median age of the head of the households is 48 and the standard deviation is 7.304856. From the histogram shown above, we can conclude that most of the heads of the households had a higher age bracket; more than 35 year of age. It is only one household whose head had a age less than 35 year old.

Variable 4: AnnualExpenditures

Numerical Summary.

Table 5. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 4




St. Dev.

Variable 4: AnnualExpenditures


Median= 64339.5

Standard deviation = 11592.04


Description of Findings.

The median annual expenditure of the selected households is $64339.5 and the Standard deviation is $11592.04. From the histogram shown above, we can see that the households whose annual expenditure lies between $55000 and $60000 had the highest number. There was no any single household that had an annual expenditure between more than $60000 and less than $75000.

 Variable 5: Food

 Numerical Summary.

Table 6. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 5



Measure(s) of Central Tendency

Measure(s) of Dispersion

Variable: Food


Median= 8052

Standard deviation= 1778.842


Description of Findings.

The median of the expenses that the households spend on food annually is $8052 and the Standard deviation is $1778.842. from the histogram above, nearly half of the selected households spends less than $9000 on food annually. The number of households who spends more than $10000 on food annually was low compared to those who spend $10000 or less annually.

Discussion and Conclusion.


This variable represents what the household earns annually in USD and is used to determine the living standards of the family. A family whose income is high is expected to spend more than a family whose annual income is low.

Marital status

This variable describes the marital status of the head of the households. It gives information about whether the head is married or unmarried. It is used in the analysis to determine the number of households from the selected data set have their head married and the number of households whose heads is unmarried.

Age of the Household Head

This variable tells more about the age of the family head and is used in the analysis to determine the number of households whose heads are of older age and which ones are headed by a young person.

Annual Expenditures

This variable gives more information about the total annual expenditure of the household and is used to determine of the family is spending more than the annual income or it is spending less. From the analysis done, the most of the families are spending less than their annual income which is a manageable level. But the annual expenditure needs to be reduced in all the households so as to save more.


This variable gives information about the annual expenditure on food by the households. It gives information about what the families are spending on food. From the analysis done, most of the families are spending much on food than necessary. This can be solved by reducing the foodstuffs they buy per year by removing the commodities that are not compulsory from their shopping lists.




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