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A Personal Narrative Sample Paper

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Donated by Emma C.

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Assignment Instructions

It′s supposed to not be less than 750 words, it should be about the writer herself and the writer owns experience in her life not General talk but specific story from the writer′s life, which supposed to be ( me ) thanks


Paper Solution

Personal Narrative



Personal Narrative

My life has not always been smooth since I have faced some challenges on the way. However, those challenges have presented learning experience, and this has enabled me to grow as a person. The way a person is brought up shapes up his/her future something that I have been able to learn through first-hand experience and the interaction with my family. I come from a religious background. As a result, my family has always encouraged all the members to be religious and to rely on the religious values in the day to day activities. I have always been guided by the personal values that my family has instilled in me and what I have learned from my personal experiences. I, therefore, tend to mirror all the activities that I engage in and I often structure them according to my personal objectives. I have been brought up in a family set up in a situation where all the family members are accessible including my grandparents. However, I have always been very close to my grandparents who have played a key role in instilling knowledge through their past experiences. This has been aided by the fact that I always appreciate other people advice or opinions.

During the middle school, I always had issues especially with those people who seem to disregard the presence of my opinions. I was not able to adhere to the principles of teamwork and unity which largely affected my relationship with others. At first, I was an impatient person, but this later changed with my family experiences and camping. My grandfather has always told me laughter is essential in people lives and that one should never start a project that they are not willing to do everything to ensure it is a success. I have always been taught not to accept failure and be innovative in everything I do.  My past experiences have been instrumental in making me a strong person and developing a notion of never giving. Through my own experiences and what I have learned in the past, I believe I can be able to handle a wide range of challenges due to my creativity and innovativeness I have always been able to develop.

One thing that shaped my life was my experiences with my extended family and the summer camp. During my early childhood, I was not always very close with my grandparents and extended family. Even though we are very close now, this was of often the case. During one summer, we went to visit my grandparents where we had a family gathering. However, before the visit, I had been warned by my parents on what to expect since my grandparents were strict and had a deep-rooted religious background. During the visit, the first rule was in regards to the use of mobile phones or computers. First, there was family time and dinner or lunch time where all the phones and other devices were kept away, and there were punishments for those who did not adhere to such. We were required to listen and respect our elders, but at the same time, we were allowed to play during the day once the allocated responsibilities were executed as per their satisfaction. During this period we were taught how to live together, how to be self-reliant and listen to others. Through three weeks visit, I was able to understand how my grandparents were able to shape my parents and where their work ethic often come from.  After the summer, we were also able to visit my grandparents from time to time which also helped in strengthening the family bond. Through this experience, we were able to learn the importance of the family bond and why it was essential to ensure that we bring the family together.

My visit to camp helped in shaping my work ethics and relationship with others. Camp was different from home since in most cases were required to work in groups, participate in various team-building projects with our age mates with and without supervision. During the camp, it was the first time I stayed away from my parents for more than a week, and during this period I was able to become more responsible since I had to perform certain duties on my own and as a group. During the camp, I learned ways to become more responsible and survive on my own. It is through this that I was able to make independent decisions. The experience gained during the camp was instrumental in making me a responsible individual and was also crucial in the personal planning process.

Through these experiences, I have learned how to be responsible, open-minded, and teamwork oriented person. Both in a family gathering and during the camp, cooperation and being responsible is essential, and this has been instrumental in shaping the relationships I have with others in the long run. The experiences gained in the camp and while visiting my grandparents have helped in shaping my life and dictating how I relate to others.

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A Personal Narrative Sample Paper. (2025, January 15). Homework Market . Retrieved February 09, 2025, from https://homeworkmarket.us/sample-papers/a-personal-narrative-sample-paper

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